Lewis is grateful for the rain

Finally saw Oppenheimer. Great film - my attention never wavered.

from the cover of James Rebanks' book

Finished reading: Freedom for Ministry by Richard John Neuhaus 📚

A masterpiece. Hands down the best book on ministry I’ve read.

Richard John Neuhaus:

In ministry, as in life, we never arrive, for our ministries and our lives point beyond themselves. It is true, as they say in the abortion debate, that the fetus is merely a potential human being; but it is wrong to say “merely,” for we are all potential human beings, growing into the fullness of humanity that is Christ. This note of preparation, of anticipation, of potentiality, should mark the whole of our ministry. This too is what Jesus meant by the necessity of being born again and becoming like a little child. The illusions of completeness and of having arrived must die, so that each day we begin anew the life of Christian hope. The pursuit of holiness means that our ministries are ever in process of formation.

Currently reading: How to Work with (Almost) Anyone by Michael Bungay Stanier 📚