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Henri J. M. Nouwen, speaking my love language as he cautions about the dangers of trying to track spiritual progress:

In a society that gives much value to development, progress and achievement, the spiritual life becomes quite easily subject to concerns expressed in questions such as, “How far advanced am I?"—“Have I matured since I started on the spiritual path?"—“On what level am I and how do I move to the next one?"—“When will I reach the moment of union with God and the experience of illumination or enlightenment?” Although none of these questions as such is meaningless, they can become dangerous against the background of a success-oriented society. Many great saints have described their religious experiences, and many lesser saints have systematized them into different phases, levels or stages. These distinctions can be helpful for those who write books and for those who use them to instruct, but it is of great importance that we leave the world of measurements behind when we speak about the life of the Spirit.