Me and Lewis (just chillin')

Finally checking out First Light Books in Hyde Park - it’s a neat place!

(photo pulled from their website)

Sudden Showers, Newbury Marshes (c. 1865-1875) by Martin Johnson Heade:

Sunset over the Marshes (c. 1890–1904) by Martin Johnson Heade:

Houses at L’Estaque (1908) by Georges Braque:

The Viaduct at L’Estaque (1907) by Georges Braque:

Finished reading: How to Inhabit Time by James K. A. Smith 📚

Disjointed and uneven in some ways, but overall a fascinating exploration of time and what Smith calls the practice of “spiritual timekeeping.” I think he’s exactly right that living faithfully in the present requires some awareness and even reckoning with the past, both individually and corporately. Also, his criticisms of certain “atemporal” forms of Christianity were on the money.

Currently reading: After Emmaus by Brian J. Tabb 📚