Sabbath Notes for Future Self (inspired by Marva Dawn's Keeping the Sabbath Wholly)

Things to plan before each Sabbath: Meals Sunday obligations Creative Time Outings/Events? Rest from: Work & School Housework/Cleaning/Organizing Planning/Strategizing/Calendar Technology Shopping/Acquiring Cooking (as a chore) Exercise (as a chore) Focus on: Spiritual Refreshment & Worship Rest/Recreation Relationships/Connection Creativity/Spontaneity/Imagination Aids to rest: Music Nature Art Smells (candles, fragrances) Reading (devotional material, poems, prayers, stories, novels, short stories) Making fires Easy meals with friends Ceasing: Work Productivity and accomplishment Anxiety, worry, and tension Trying to be God Possessiveness Enculturation The humdrum and meaninglessness Resting: Spiritual Physical Emotional Intellectual Embracing: Intentionality The values of the Christian community Time instead of space Giving instead of requiring Our calling in life Wholeness (shalom) The world Feasting: On the eternal With music With beauty With food With affection And festival

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C. S. Lewis:

One is sometimes (not often) glad not to be a great theologian; one might so easily mistake it for being a good Christian.

James R. Edwards, commenting on Mark 7 and Jesus’s controversy with the Pharisees and scribes over ritual defilement. Sounds familiar…

Trooper was not being especially hospitable to our friend Carlos last night

Lunch with the staff team at Leroy and Lewis

Currently reading: The Virtue of Nationalism by Yoram Hazony 📚

Currently reading: The Insider’s Guide to ADHD by Penny Williams 📚

My family knows the way to my heart

I’m teaching on the Ascension in the morning: an oft-neglected doctrine that’s become increasingly precious to me over the years.

Ascension (2000) by Laura James:

Ascension of Christ (c. 1350) from the Hohenfurth monastery: